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Andrea's Story

Everyone has thought about it at some point. What will we do when our parents are gone? .

My dad “Papa John” was a man of honor who would do anything for anyone.

Playing God

These evil people decided to play God on August 12, 2021.

Most of the time, we think it will be way down the road after the parents have enjoyed retirement for a few years and our own kids are grown. Unfortunately, the government and the hospital had other ideas. Had we known that, we would have never let my dad go into those hospital doors. None of us knew that it would be the last time we would not only see my dad but even get to talk to him. These evil people decided to play God on August 12, 2021. Suddenly, we started to see friends and acquaintances losing their parents. In speaking with them, we realized there was a common denominator. All these patients were given Remdesivir. The hospitals, the government, Fauci, all decided to play God and take out our elderly with their hospital protocols. They look at our elderly with hungry, greedy, self-righteous, egotistical eyes taking them out one by one. Without a care in the world, they killed him like it was any other day in the life of a hospital employee.

The thing is, they never knew my dad nor did they care to find out. If they had, they would have seen a very loving, generous, and caring person. A veteran who was willing to die for our country. A man who took in his nephews to raise. A grandpa who helped raise his grandkids and taught them to fish, to camp, to ride bikes, and most importantly, about Jesus.

This was our first holiday without him, but they didn’t care. They don’t have to see the pain in my mom's eyes without him beside her and the pain in the grandkids' eyes when they look around and remember he isn’t there to ask a question, to fish or laugh and joke with.

My dad “Papa John” was a man of honor who would do anything for anyone. He would give you the shirt off his back and every dime he had just to make someone’s day a little brighter. He was a wonderful dad, uncle, husband, grandpa, and friend to so many. He was willing to give anything to anyone but ended up giving his life to hospital protocols and to make someone’s agenda. We never got to say goodbye until it was too late. He didn’t deserve this and neither did his family. Our only way of coping is that we know he is with Jesus now.

Covid and The ER

On August 6th, 2021-Dad tested positive for Covid, and on August 10th, at 9:27 pm our Mom called an ambulance to take Dad to E.R. Around 10:00 pm we met Mom at E.R. They would not let us see him, and they were doing bloodwork and testing for Covid, so we waited in our car and Mom in hers. Around 11:25 the E.R. nurse called Mom to let her know they had no available rooms but would keep him overnight. We went home and so did Mom. The next day at 6:00 am a nurse called Mom and informed her they had moved him to a room. She said his Doctor will see him later that day and they put him on some medicine. Mom didn’t know what it was but said she would ask the Doctor when they called. They were still waiting on bloodwork and the nurse said they were backed up but we could call him later. At 10:22 am Mom spoke with the floor nurse. They had him on 12% oxygen and said the Doctor would call her later, that he had not been there yet. Mom was able to speak with Dad briefly, but he was still out of it. Sometime before noon, Mom tested positive for Covid.

We Couldn't See Him or Talk to Him

They said they put him on a new drug called Remdesivir.

At 11:35 am, my son tried calling the room but it just kept ringing. I tried as well around noon, but still, it kept ringing. So at 12:41 pm, I called to speak with his nurse or the floor nurse but was only able to leave a message with someone. Around 2:20 pm Mom spoke with the nurse and they informed her they increased his oxygen to 50%. They said they put him on a new drug called Remdesivir and steroids and that he ate a good lunch. At 2:57 pm I called the hospital again and asked to speak with the floor nurse. They transferred me but since they had just moved him there, they couldn’t tell me anything. I asked to speak with the 4th-floor nurse but they said that nurse was not available. At around 3:40 I arrived at the hospital where the screener said that I couldn’t see him. I asked to speak with his doctor or nurse, but instead, the screener called and spoke for roughly 10 minutes to someone. During that time I heard her ask if I should go ahead and get P.P.E.’d up. I thought they were going to let me in. She got off the phone and said I needed to sign a form and then she left for a while. She brought the form back and I signed it so they could talk to me. Again she left and I asked the receptionist why it was taking so long and that I thought I was already on the list of people they can speak with. The receptionist said they weren’t sure why it was taking so long but I was already on the form and he had already printed it. When the screener lady came back, she seemed surprised that the form was already done but said the floor nurse would just have to call me or Mom later. I explained that Mom had Covid and was not making a lot of sense, that they may need to call me instead.

At 4:47 pm I left the hospital and they called before I got to my car. The nurse said her name was Courtney and they moved my Dad to that floor because they have a better nurse/patient ratio and that she can basically keep her eyes on him 24/7. She said his heart rate was at 77bpm and AirVo oxygen at 15. His oxygen remained at 90 unless he talked, then it dropped to 87. His blood sugar was high at 199 but they had to prioritize oxygen before eating. She also said they had him on a sliding scale insulin and would give him another unit at dinner, but again had to prioritize oxygen before anything. She said he seemed bored as he was just staring at the ceiling and asked if I could get him some books or magazines along with his phone, glassed, and earbuds to bring up there. I told her I would get his things and be back. I let her know she may need to contact me because my mom was sick with Covid. She knew Dad was not vaccinated but asked if Mom was vaccinated, I told her no. Around 6:00 pm I brought his things to the hospital and dropped them off at the screeners. She verified the room number and she got up and headed to the hallway behind the elevators.

At 7:17 pm I called Dad’s cell phone, no answer. At 7:41 pm I called his room again and only got a busy signal. At 7:45 pm Nurse Courtney called and said they had to increase the AirVo as high as it could go and it wasn't working so they had to do the ByPap Machine. She said he was awake and alert. She said she wanted to be the one to call me so I didn’t think it was due to a shift change or hear about it from the night nurse “Farazana” that he had gotten worse. I asked about the phone being busy and said she may have bumped it in the room while working on him because with all the machines it’s very crowded in there. She said they started him on Lasix to help reduce fluid and that it will make him pee a lot. I said he pees a lot anyway and asked if he had a catheter. She said no because they didn’t want any infection but he is pretty good about letting us know so we can help him get to the bathroom. I asked if she gave him the stuff I sent and She said she never got anything but we later found out it was sent to the wrong floor. I asked if I could speak with him and she said he wouldn’t be able to take the Bypap off. I asked if she could get a message to him, which she said she would. I said to tell him we love him and miss him and that mom loves and misses him. I told him he needed to kick Covid’s ass and come home because his granddaughters need him. She seemed irritated when I got to the last part. She said he needed his oxygen and they were working on him in there right now and she would set his stuff in his room for me.

At 8:54 I called his room several more times and it was always busy. I called his cell phone several times but no answer. Around 10:00 pm I received a call from the nurse that his breathing was not improving. She said at some point it went from 90-50 because his mask had somehow come off and he was at 83 now. They moved him to a room closer to the ICU just in case. Nurse Kristin in ICU wanted me to know that in the next 10-16 hours, he may have to be intubated on a ventilator and needed the okay for that. She said the last round of this, they had no one come off the ventilator but this time it’s about 50/50 chance. I said that doesn’t sound like it's a good idea then to put him on one. She said if he didn't have it, then he wasn’t going to make it and they needed to know now. I told her I wasn’t making that decision, I would speak with my Mom and call back.

What Happened to Waiting 12-16 Hours?

The nurse said she didn’t realize all of us unvaccinated people were getting together spreading Covid.

I called mom and she said only if there is no other option and only if it was the last resort, then they could intubate him. Around 11:37 pm I called back and spoke with Kristin the ICU nurse again and told her only if there is no other option and only if it was the last resort. She said, then we will start it in the next 30 minutes. I asked her what happened to 12-16 hours? She said the doctors are ready to start it now and hung up. On August 12th, 2021 3:30 am, Mom got a call to come up to the hospital to make decisions. Dad had gone into cardiac arrest and they had resuscitated him. We met up at the hospital around 4:20 am and when we went to the door the nurse said that she couldn’t take all of us in there, only two. She said she didn’t realize all of us unvaccinated people were getting together spreading Covid. I asked her what the hell she meant and she said that is what my mom told her. My mom was barely able to speak but the only thing she said was we had a dinner together. I reminded her that was 2 1/2 weeks ago. Mom was barely able to go in because she was so sick with Covid and was very nauseated.

The nurse took us up and let us in and the two people in there were watching our every move. They told me I could hold his hand and to FaceTime my family waiting outside and so I did. They kept saying look at the X-rays and look at the fluid they had suctioning out. After at least three times of hearing this, Mom was ready to go. They told Mom that they didn’t think his body could handle another resuscitation, did she? Mom said she didn’t think so either and not to do it if he went into cardiac arrest. The nurse that walked us up apologized for what she said and that she would get my brother. She took Mom down and brought my brother up. We held Dad's hands and talked to him. Around 5:37 we left the hospital. At 6:03 Dad passed away, without the ones he loved, alone.

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