Rahway, NJ
I lost both of my parents, a month apart.

My Dad lived in FL and we spoke at least 3-4 times per week. My Mom was my Best Friend.
Both of My Parents
“My Dad was admitted with what they said was Covid pneumonia and was given Remdesivir protocol.”
My Dad lived in FL and we spoke at least 3-4 times per week. We visited him every Summer. My Mom was my Best Friend. She lived with me over 16yrs and she helped raise her, Granddaughter Kayla. It pains me to pass by her room. I can still smell her scent in the air. My heart shattered into a million pieces. I had no time to grieve, the passing of my Dad. With the passing of my Mom. Now I am grieving the passing of both of my parents.
I lost both my parents a month apart. They were divorcées and my Dad lived in FL and my Mom with me in NJ. My Dad died on 11/30/21 and my Mom on 1/7/22. My Dad was admitted with what they said was Covid pneumonia and was given Remdesivir protocol. I think my Dad had J&J vaccine the one that was 1 time only when it came out. My dad was up and eating and walking around and the following day took a turn for the worse by the next day oxygen level dropped and he was in severe hypoxia.
Say Goodbye to Dad
My Brother flew down and was not allowed to see him except for 5 minutes through the ICU window. We even hired a lawyer in FL to get my Dad Ivermectin etc and the Doctor denied us said was not protocol refused a waiver and we also found a clinical trial for him and they refused us. My Brother had to make the decision to let him go and when that was ready to happen they let my brother in his room with PPE gear on to say goodbye while we were all on facetime. My Dad said I love you, girls, as we told him it was ok and he would no longer suffer.
Mom Became Sick
“When she was stable I left to help my brother in FL.”
When my Dad was in hospital my Mom was admitted to a NJ hospital where she suffered from severe emphysema and congestive heart failure. She was admitted to the hospital because she was having a lot of diarrhea and her oxygen level was 77. When she was stable I left to help my brother in FL. My Mom came home on oxygen for the first time. Around New Year she started to have diarrhea again and she was not eating. She was very weak and we eventually called 911. The EMT came and talked her out of going to the hospital. They informed her Covid was so bad and with respiratory issues, they would stick her in a room with a covid patient because the hospital was so crowded. They told her she would just eat and drink so she panicked and opted not to go.
Mom Was Gone
“They treated her with Remdesivir and I begged her not to let them give it to her.”
By the next day, her diarrhea was still happening and had to turn up her oxygen on the machine. So we called 911 again and she left for the hospital. It was the last time I got to see my Mom. She lived with me for 16yrs. They told her she had Covid which I will never believe - they treated her with Remdesivir and I begged her not to let them give it to her. At one point she was eating again and then a few days later could not get her off the hi-flow and bi-pap. Her heart eventually gave out and she died alone.
There are really no comforting words to express to someone who's had such loss. My heart breaks for you.