Eureka, MT
On Friday the 11th of December, they called me and said her kidneys and oxygen were worse.

We had moved to escape tyranny and seek freedom.
Fear The Worst
“I called 911 as her oxygen was in the high 30’s low 40.”
It was Thanksgiving. The first where it was just my mom and me as we had moved to escape tyranny and seek freedom. My brother was still in our home state. My mom started to not feel well. She didn't eat a lot, but she was just tired. This happened from time to time as she was a cancer survivor but battled graft versus host disease from a stem cell transplant and has been without a critical medication; she was fighting insurance on and had just got back on the drug. The next day we went to do a tiny bit of black Friday shopping, but she got tired, so we came home. That was November 27th. I was doing work from home due to the school being shut down for Covid. My mom was tired and sleeping a lot. But she had no cough and did not want to go to the hospital. I would get her up, and she would climb on the couch, and our dog pecan would climb up and sleep with her and not leave her side. About 4 am Thursday, Dec 3rd. I heard my mom cry out my name from downstairs; she said her oxygen was low and needed to go to the hospital. We had some fears. They were going to say she had Covid. We live in a small town; the closest hospital is an hour away, so we decided the best route. I called 911 as her oxygen was in the high 30’s low 40. The gal said our options were to get an ambulance or have her call the nearest hospital and meet us 1/2 way. I tried the ambulance route first, but after 5 minutes, we heard back that they had not responded yet. So, I said we would meet the one from the closest hospital 1/2 way. Being newer to the area, I was unsure of the spot she said was halfway. I think I have it, but I keep

driving until I see the ambulance turn around and go to the meeting point. They grab her and have a life flight on the way in case they can't get her oxygen up enough to transport her. We sit there for about 15 minutes when they decide not to use life fight. I then followed the ambulance to the hospital. I have her meds with me and her anti-rejection meds. I have to bring those myself because it's not readily available at hospitals and is very expensive. I get there and wait until I find out what is going on. My mom calls me and says she has Covid and they are going to admit her.
A Fighter
I went to get something to eat as she wanted me to grab her phone charger, and stores were not open yet.I get a call to talk about treatment. They say they are putting her on meds. I hear the nurse in the background. I asked about ivermectin; I heard her say no as it is not a proven treatment, but I thought she said they were using Azithromycin. I'm like, ok, I think that's what they used to help trump. She says she should be out in a few days and not to worry. I got a charger and had a voice mail from mom saying they asked if she wanted to fight and was open to a ventilator; she said yes. I called back, and she said they had to transfer her to another hospital that had ventilators. I went to the store to get her a portable

DVD player and DVDs because she asked. I took them, and the charger to the hospital, and my mom said to go home as it would be a while and I won’t be able to come in. I drive home, and I have no reception. But I got a voicemail from my mom saying they told her she would die; As soon as I got home, I called. She says she wants to come home and die, but they don’t know if she will make the trip home due to oxygen needs, but who knows, she is a fighter. I call my pastors from my home church in Oregon. They knew someone that just survived, and she called my mom; she decided to stay and fight, but she also wanted to get her will updated. The doctors kept calling and telling me they didn’t think she would make it two days and that they would let me in. I focused on getting my brother and niece over during this time because they would let us in on Friday to see her. I continued to get calls from the DR. saying she was going to die. They were telling her this as well. She would call me and apologize that I had to face this. They wanted us to put her in comfort care; we said no. We got the will done late Friday night when I was visiting her. She was still on a regular mask, but oxygen needs were climbing. I was also fighting to get her Jakafi, but they were not letting me know and kept fighting with me about this. Finally, they said they had her on a steroid same as Jakafi was, and it would work.
Something Was Off
“my gut was saying something was horribly wrong, and how they were treating her was not right.”
I felt something was off but was also trying to get the will done and get my brother and my mom’s best friend (like an aunt) that night from the airport. I had friends and family coming and was working on housing and all that. When my brother went to take my niece in, they would not let her in because she was only 10, and they did not know how kids were taking COVID (lie, it was not impacting them). But my brother and aunt went in. On Saturday, we had a good zoom call with mom, and she was being funny and silly, and though she had her mask on, we told her how much we loved her, and she said she was fighting and not giving up. Sunday, she started not doing well and was no longer awake, and my gut was saying something was horribly wrong, and how they were treating her was not right. I felt they just wanted her to die. I talked with my family, and we agreed to call her cancer dr. in Seattle. When found out, the doctors were apprehensive and kept calling to see when Seattle would call. See, after she got the will done, they convinced her to take Morphine for the pain and would only slightly move her up on the bed but no other movement.
Kidneys Failing
“We were at a loss of what to do.”
On Monday, Seattle called me and said they talked to the nurse; they would do nothing differently and left me alone. The doctor called again inquiring about Seattle calling (He had panic in his voice), but I said they talked to the nurse and would not call. Also, on Monday, I found out she had not been given food or water since admitted. Her oxygen levels were down to 88%. I said she needed food and water. They said it wasn't protocol for Covid to give her these things. I had to fight 12 hours to get a stint in, and they agreed that her oxygen level needs did not increase. I also asked if they retested her for Covid, and they said it was not protocol.
I called Tuesday morning, and the doctor said that her oxygen was fine, but now her kidneys were failing. I told him you promised now put it in. He said he did, but her insurance might not cover it because it is not protocol. I fought and got it put in. They once again were worried she would not make it and let me come in with a friend. This was a nurse who was like an aunt to me. So, we got her in. She knew something was wrong as well. But we were at a loss of what to do.
Letting Go
Thursday, they call me and say her kidneys are worse and to come in again and decide if I

am doing comfort care and watching her die or not. I come in, and I ask about dialysis by the time I get there. See, my dad was a diabetic, and I knew it was a possibility. My brother was also asking. They said it is, but she will have to come in all the time for treatment if we do. I thought about how burnt out she was from treatments after 11 years of battle with cancer. But I felt God said not yet.
So, I agreed to take her off med but not oxygen, start comfort care and see what God would do. On Friday the 11th of December, they called me and said her kidneys and oxygen were worse. That day I decided to let her go. She passed quickly once oxygen was removed.
Thank you for sharing Tammi's story. So they denied her food and water and wonder why she died? The doctors knew these protocols were killing people. They will all pay. Document everything when your loved one is in the hospital. The hospitals DO NOT have the patients best interest at heart. Even doctors who treat know that the hospitals are killing people. If they weren't you would find more bodies in houses of people who died.
Sooo, you decide to not get her vaccinated in the name of “freedom.” How’d that work out? She would likely still be alive if she had been vaccinated. Kidney failure is a somewhat common side effect with Covid and those with comorbidities. People who think Covid is nothing more than a bad cold find out it can be anything but if they become infected. It’s sad when people get their medical advice from Facebook memes.