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Taesha K.'s Story

Snellville. GA

My son was murdered, they killed a healthy 22 year old boy that had no underlying medical problems.

I didn’t know better, I thought the hospital would help his cough not kill him..

Set Up For The Fall

“They claimed he needed the mask and they wouldn’t let him take it off to even get a drink.”

My 22 year old son Jacob was coughing bad so I had my husband take him to the hospital Sept. 21, 2021. When they checked his oxygen it was 91 so they wanted to admit him. They made my husband leave because my son was an adult. The hospital was so packed they put him on oxygen and an IV and made my son wait in the waiting room until a room opened in the ER. Once they took him back they did an X-ray or maybe they did that while in the waiting room as well I don’t remember but said he had Covid pneumonia. They immediately started him on Remdesivir and I remember the nurse bragging about how they are treating him with Remdesivir like it was a good thing. Before I knew it they had him on maximum oxygen and then before I could even blink they switched him to a bipap machine. They made him so sick once in their care.

The nurse told me that I needed to tell him to slow his breathing or he would get himself into trouble. So I talked to him over FaceTime and he could barely talk because the mask breathed in and out for him so fast but with every bit of strength he told me he had no control, that the mask breathed in and out for him. They claimed he needed the mask and they wouldn’t let him take it off to even get a drink. I believe they starved him and wouldn’t let him have anything to drink. He kept getting weaker and weaker before my eyes to the point he was too tired and weak to FaceTime.

The Vent

They moved him to ICU and my heart broke, he was only 22. On the 25th just 4 days being there, they called saying they wanted to put him on the ventilator. I honestly think they waited too late to put him on the ventilator as they made him so sick he really needed it sooner even though we didn’t want the ventilator at all. I begged to come see him before they placed him on the ventilator. They finally agreed and we got up there fast. It was like 1am on the 25th. When we walked in they had us suit up, gloves, masks, the whole works. We walked in and he was on his stomach. They claimed his oxygen stayed up more with him on his stomach. I rubbed my son's back and at first he didn’t recognize me or my husband. Then when he realized we were there I think he knew it was bad even though I couldn’t comprehend it was that serious. They made us wait in the waiting room when they were putting him on the ventilator.

They Killed Him

“never missed a day of work the 4 years he worked for the grocery store after graduating. They killed him.”

It took a long time it seemed but they finally came and got us and told us he coded twice while putting him on the ventilator but that he was doing fine now. They let me see him and they still had him on his stomach saying he still did better on his stomach. His oxygen was like 93 so I was comfortable thinking all will be well. So we went home and a few hours later I got a phone call saying the rolled him over so they could put a port in his neck for his meds but that his blood pressure dropped low and that they had to overdose him on something to try to bring it back up but was not successful and he coded and we needed to get there quick. 8am on the 25th now and we rushed there and he was pronounced by the time we got there.

My son was murdered, they killed a healthy 22 year old boy that had no underlying medical problems and never missed a day of work the 4 years he worked for the grocery store after graduating. They killed him. They made the bipap so fast he couldn’t release carbon dioxide, they pushed Remdesivir in him like it was candy. They messed with him when they knew he was stable on his stomach, and they killed my son. September 25th will be a year. I can’t sleep. I need a lawyer. My 26 year old was just as bad and refused hospital and guess what he is still here today!!!! I didn’t know better, I thought the hospital would help his cough not kill him.

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