Dallas, TX
Warren's life was snuffed out by 5 permitted, lethal REMDESIVIR infusions at Trinity Regional Hospital.

Where is justice for him & other victims like him?
Frightened Into The Hospital
“After 5 1/2 hours at this clinic and a barrage of frightening claims I relented.”
January 8, 2022 I took my husband to 'ER Near Me' located in Plano, Tx. Warren had a deep chest cold from vacationing the prior week with his family in Colorado. I chose not to go. He had no health issues except for a weak back. After returning home from his first week of vacation, his cold worsened as he didn't take particular care of it. But, every year he had a similar cold and in about 2 weeks it always resolved itself. Dr. Lilly at 'ER Near Me' frightened me by saying 'his O2 level is low and he has slight pneumonia in his upper right lobe and he must be hospitalized! I only wanted a prescription for antibiotics and refused Warren being hospitalized. Dr. Lilly continued to frighten me with his prognosis. After 5 1/2 hours at this clinic and a barrage of frightening claims I relented and allowed Warren to be driven by ambulance to Trinity Regional Hospital in Sasche, Tx. Warren's out of town kids were agreeable with whatever the Dr.'s recommended! I was not but, by 11:00pm, I was exhausted from all the pressures. Dr. Lilly assured me Warren would come home in 3 days to 1week! Little did I realize at the time we both were being set up!
The Remdesivir

The next afternoon, Jan. 9, 2022 I visited Warren in the hospital room and he did look improved. He was alert, was eating well and talkative. His daughter sat nearby and claimed the hospital was taking good care of him. As I spent a few minutes acclimating myself to his hospital room and having warm words with Warren and his daughter, I noticed the white board on the opposite wall stating all of Warren's stats since his arrival about 12 hours earlier. That's when I noticed the cocktail infusion of Azithromycin, Zafron and REMDESIVIR! I couldn't believe what I saw! Who approved REMDESIVIR infusion? I knew of its deadly effects and immediately insisted these infusions be stopped! Nurse Thuy Nuygen was somehow tending to Warren at the time and she ordered me out of his room! Warren's daughter stayed. As I walked downstairs to my car I wondered how am I going to stop this REMDESIVER infusion as Warren was not aware of its lethal effects to his body. I decided to call him from my phone and have a direct talk with him.
Tricked Into Taking Poison
“After all 5 infusions of REMDESIVIR, Warren developed a serious pulmonary embolism.”
Warren answered. I told him REMDESIVIR would destroy his kidneys, liver and kill him. He listened. About an hour later Warren returned a call to me to say he stopped all further REMDESIVIR infusions. I was greatly relieved to hear his words and began relaxing. I visited Warren daily and he called me each morning. He appeared to be recovering nicely over the next 3 days. His breathing improved, his appetite and energy were returning. But, then on that day & 3 days later I received a call from Warren's son to tell me his kids were taking over his care and they were putting him back on REMDESIVIR! I begged them not to do this and gave them articles and videos and many Drs. names warning against REMDESIVIR and why were they excluding me from my husband's care decisions? I knew this would be fatal for Warren but felt devastatingly helpless at that point! Warren was then tricked repeatedly by RN Thuy (Tree) Nyugen into agreeing to take REMDESIVIR! I have Warren's spoken story but at the time I didn't fully understand Thuy's trickery to get Warren to comply to REMDESIVIR protocol!
There were other tricks Thuy used to ensure Warren received all 5 infusions of REMDESIVIR! Later, after scouring every line of his medical records and piecing together events I witnessed and stories he told me - I got the entire picture of trickery Thuy & staff used to get Warren to submit & comply with the full REMDESIVIR protocol. After all 5 infusions of REMDESIVIR, Warren developed a serious pulmonary embolism and his breathing was continuously labored. Dr. Blake Baker carried out the prescribed protocol that killed his patient! I was helpless to what I was witnessing. A well carried out plan by all involved with one goal in their minds! It all happened in 13 days.
Taken Too Soon
“Warren should be here today as healthy as ever and enjoying his life.”
On Jan. 21, 2022, the life of a perfectly healthy, strong man with a deep cold ended after entering TRH. I begged his daughter and son 'don't do this' and they wouldn't listen to me. I fought like hell for Warren's life - alone! There was nothing more I could do but to exit this heinous scene of deliberate euthanasia to my 79 year old husband! Dr. Lilly's promise to bring Warren home in 3 days to 1 week never happened and his final days were horrendous! No American, no human, no veteran should suffer as Warren was made to suffer! As a degreed Molecular Biologist with research strengths of the effects of drugs upon the body - I know why and how Warren's life was snuffed out by 5 permitted, lethal REMDESIVIR infusions at Trinity Regional Hospital. Warren should be here today as healthy as ever and enjoying his life. He was slim, he had a kind heart and always took care of his body. But he/we fell into overwhelming, swift powers that snatched out his life before it's time. Where is justice for him & other victims like him?