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Roberta B.'s Story

Medina, OH.

My husband was a family man. He had 6 kids, 7 grandkids and 3 great grandkids.

I find it ironic that after all of that, he dies of COVID and/or Remdesivir.

The Hospital

“He didn't want to go, and I didn't want him to go either, knowing what was going on with COVID.”

My husband was a diabetic and ended up with A-Fib after taking Avandia for a few years. His cardiologist monitored the situation for several years and waited until his AV-Block got to a certain point. He hit that point in August or September, which was after his 2 COVID vaccine shots, but that's a different story. In October of 2021 he had a pacemaker implanted. Immediately after getting the pacemaker he ended up in end-stage Congestive Heart Failure (CHF). His ejection fraction was at 25%. In addition to that, he had started seeing a specialist for his kidneys, as he now had Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). By the end of November he had been in the hospital several times due to difficulty breathing.

The Saturday after Thanksgiving I took him in because his pulse-ox was in the 80's. This was at a time when COVID was raging. While in the ER, we sat around many people with COVID. He was admitted due to the CHF issues, and in the hospital for a week. By the time he came home he and I both had COVID symptoms, although with a home test we both tested negative. He had 2 home health care nurse visits since being home for a couple days. The first one told me to talk to his doctor about Hospice, due to how bad his breathing and pulse-ox was. The second one called 911 to have him taken to the hospital. He didn't want to go, and I didn't want him to go either, knowing what was going on with COVID. Since I was already feeling the effects of COVID I was not well enough to care for him at home.


When he got there they did many tests. I was able to monitor test results from home via a patient portal. While his breathing was bad, other results looked comparable to other results just a week before. The next day or two I learned from the nurse via phone that they put him on Remdesivir. Immediately following that conversation, I noticed his blood test results plummeted, especially results around the kidney and liver functions. While I can't say for sure the Remdesivir caused it, it sure seemed to me it did. I asked why he wasn't taken off of it, considering the test results and I was told that's how COVID is treated.

I called and asked to talk to his doctor and his staff told me I had to see him at the hospital when he visited my husband, that he wouldn't talk to me over the phone. That was a joke because my husband was in the COVID section of the hospital, and they didn't allow visitors there. After a couple days his doctor did call me, but the purpose of the call was to confirm that he didn't want to be intubated as his instructions said. I asked about the meds he was given and knowing he had CKD why they couldn't change to something better. I don't recall his exact words, but it was something to the effect of it being too late to do anything different. He had told me that my husband had tried taking everything off of him and was trying to get up. I am sure my husband was trying to come home. They had to secure him to the bed. I know my husband didn't want to go there to begin with, and hearing that just tore my heart in pieces.

Not Allowed To Say Goodbye

“Of course, I was not allowed to go since I was already diagnosed with COVID.”

A day or two later the hospital called to see if our kids wanted to go sit with him until he passed. They said he wasn't responding, but he was sleeping soundly. While 3 of our kids were getting ready to go, the hospital called back to say he had already passed but they could still go and sit with him. Of course, I was not allowed to go since I was already diagnosed with COVID. Luckily, I was able to get 'proper' treatment for it. My breathing had gotten so bad that I, too, ended up going to the hospital. Thankfully, they sent me home with a pulse-ox machine and said to come back when it falls to a certain point. I asked about antibiotics and steroids and was told they don't give those for COVID. That I would need Remdesivir but would have to be hospitalized for that. They put me on the list for monoclonal antibodies, but I was called a couple days later and told they didn't have any openings anywhere near me. Luckily I stumbled upon the FLCCC and was able to get an online visit with one of their doctors. They set me up with a prescription for an antibiotic, steroids and HCQ. I am sure had I not had that, I would have ended up with the same fate as my husband.

A Great Man

“Needless to say, this loss was huge in our family.”

My husband was a family man. He had 6 kids, 7 grandkids and 3 great grandkids. We always had huge family gatherings which also included his siblings, nieces and nephews. He was the 2nd oldest of 8 kids, and his oldest brother had already passed, so he was the elder of the family.

Everyone loved and looked up to him. In addition we had 6 foreign exchange students that we are happy to consider like our own family. Needless to say, this loss was huge in our family. He volunteered at the elementary school our kids attended. He was involved with an organization with the school that raised funds to provide teachers and administrators to do special things that benefitted the kids and their learning. He helped the school system in a time of need in ways I wasn't even aware of at the time. At his funeral several prominent folks of the community came and told me about things he had done to better our community and schools. I received letters from people about things he had done, most of which I wasn't aware of. He was that kind of person, very giving to all, yet never announced what he did. Losing him was not only a huge loss to our family, but to our community as well.

My husband had many health issues, many of which I believe were brought on by the medications he was taking. He initially started out with diabetes, ended up with colon cancer, almost died from a surgical site infection, had a stroke, broke his hip and couldn't walk very well afterwards, A-Fib, and CKD and CHF. I find it ironic that after all of that, he dies of COVID and/or Remdesivir.

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