Ocoee, FL
They called as if it was in the process of happening but I already knew it was over because the record was already updated.

They set their stage for the tragedy they thought it was deserved for the unvaxxed.
Trying To Avoid The Hospital
“He said he kept thinking he shouldn't have gone to that hospital.”
Start out by saying my mom was as strong as a horse. My mom was rarely ever sick. After my dad had covid symptoms pretty bad for 2wks with chills, fever, and an unproductive cough, my mom decided to get them both the monoclonal antibody infusions. They got to the appointment and only one slot was left so she had him take it. He felt 100% better the next day!! If only both appts were still available when they got there. She only started feeling shortness of breath a couple of days prior to going to the ER on her birthday. My dad took her to Health Central and he said they whisked her away and wouldn't tell him anything. He called and told me he had lost my mom tearfully. He said he kept thinking he shouldn't have gone to that hospital. They wanted to admit right away and I found out their basis for forcing her to be admitted was a made up comorbidity of Chronic Kidney Disease which she did not have. I told them it was untrue and asked them to ask her primary doctor but they refused to do so. When I got there because having worked there for 15+ years, I was able to get to her floor and stay with her.
We Thought She Would Leave
At first they allowed me to ask for fluids, not to give her Remdesivir or morphine, to allow her to have breaks from the nasal cannula because her O2 stats were maintaining above 90 even up to 96 for hours at a time and they let her sit up and turn to her side. She was getting better and feeling better and put her feet down on the ground and said I'm ready to go and get the monoclonal antibodies since they won't allow me to have them here. But that soon stopped and they didn't care for her desire to not be intubated or put her request in writing. When the doctors confronted me and said I had no rights to speak for her she spoke up loudly and said no she is the one to tell you what I want because my dad was still a little weak and he was an emotional wreck from mom not being allowed to leave the hospital even though she kept begging them over and over again.
I finally got them to agree to discharge her to hospice but that was stalled when the CNO found out and visited the floor with a new set of pushy doctors who talked about hospital protocol and if we didn't comply with what we were being told we, her family, were murderers and she was committing suicide. This all started when they discovered she was unvaccinated. She continued to refuse treatment until they said she was not allowed to leave but she was no longer allowed to stay on the covid floor because they needed more room for another patient. So the only place she was allowed to go was ICU and that is where they intubated her under an emergent order.
No One Can Be Trusted
“The doctors were the meanest that I've ever encountered.”
The way my mother, father, and I were treated was not normal. I know hospital protocol and this was revenge for being unvaxxed. I see it now that I've had a year to reflect back on it. We are living in a world where not many can be trusted. The doctors were the meanest that I've ever encountered, not straight forward mean just treat you like you're idiotic type of mean, and I've been working this field for 20 years. It's so sad they treated me this way and were so mean to my mom during this time. Asking her the same questions over and over to try and prove she was suffering from hypoxia and unable to make logical decisions but she always passed until they snuck the morphine back into her IV. Even then she'd say stop sedating me. I don't want those drugs! But they did anyway. The doctor that bumped her PEEP level on her vent while her O2 levels were being maintained, why did he feel the need to jump from 8 to 15 while she was maintaining stats of 95? On the day she died they bumped her up so fast her body couldn't handle it from all the drugs they steadily pumped into her. So once they got her into icu, it was to get their way into intubating her without us there to stand up for her rights!
It's just as irresponsible as the doctors who chanted hospital policy and protocols and scripted drugs meant for covid patients into her body with all the drugs like Remdesivir. There are so many other people who have the same as my mom went through they heard "unvax" it sent chills up the spine of those doctors. They set their stage for the tragedy they thought it was deserved for the unvaxxed. They already knew the outcome. They told me face to face, “Really she's unvaxxed? What's wrong with you? And you work here. And you let her go unvaxxed? Well, then it's your fault. So what did you really expect would happen?”
She Could Have Been Saved
“I'm just thankful she's not suffering at the hands of those doctors who were laughing and talking about how stupid we were.”
She begged to leave your prison. But they forced her to stay to euthanize her for their stupid vaccine law. They said it face to face with me thinking I would forget or run in fear. I stood up and called them out on it. The staff used fear mongering, and intimidation. I was not a doctor so “back up” and finally promised to put her on a vent despite every objection we could say. We had it on repeat and mom wanted them to know her wishes but they did as promised and took her from us. The morning her vent levels were really great and her O2 levels really high, I watched on her online medical record as the doctor on call bumped her PEEP up so high that she coded. They called as if it was in the process of happening but I already knew it was over because the record was already updated. So unfortunate this is still happening to people. May God bless the compassionate nurses that allowed us to be with her 24/7 the first 8 days of her 13 day stay before they forced her into ICU because they "needed the room for another patient". I'm just thankful she's not suffering at the hands of those doctors who were laughing and talking about how stupid we were to think my mother was going to "get out of there alive." How do you have a conscience saying those things and knowing the suffering the family is going through? So sad. After all that I went through, I resigned from this healthcare chain. It was too unbearable to continue working there knowing my mom could have been saved.