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Kristin C.'s Story

Bellingham, WA

For years I’ve told people he’s my favorite person in the world. And now he’s gone.

On October 14, 2021, Phil passed away. He really was the most special man.

The Unvaxxed Are Targets

“He never met a stranger and was always at his best and happiest doing something for someone else.”

My brother is deceased. He died. My brother passed away. Phil is dead. None of those words by themselves are difficult to say, yet put together in that particular order I find myself choking on them any time I try to speak them aloud. Worse than that is having to respond to the insensitivity of those whose first question is always, “Was he vaccinated?” Hardest of all, though, is attempting to answer the question of how he died. The polarizing nature of our world today, especially surrounding covid can be very difficult to navigate, and people are downright nasty so I always hesitate to answer. I wish it was as simple as, “he got sick and there was nothing they could do.” That just isn’t the case.

On October 14, 2021, Phil passed away. He really was the most special man. One of those genuinely good people with a huge heart and a capacity for love that you don’t come across often. He never met a stranger and was always at his best and happiest doing something for someone else. I think he felt like it gave him purpose to do good for people, especially for those who haven’t always known good people.

He was 32 years old, but in that short amount of time came to mean a great deal to a lot of people. He mattered. And he deserved so much better. It is for these reasons we feel the need to share his story in hopes that he is still able to help influence some kind of positive change.

I want to be clear that our family is not covid-deniers or anti-vaccine. If you’d asked me six months ago if I believed things like the story you’re about to read were happening to people I would’ve told you I thought you were nuts. Half of our family are vaccinated - some with various adverse side effects. The other half are not vaccinated due to various health concerns - documented history of poor reactivity to vaccinations among them. The day Phil was admitted to the hospital the questions regarding his vaccination status began and it’s still the question I hear the most. Because that seems to be of importance to so many, I will share here that he was not vaccinated. The person who got him sick was vaccinated and went to work while actively symptomatic believing vaccination meant they wouldn’t catch or spread covid.

The Hospital

Phil was admitted to the only hospital on September 23 with what we were told was covid pneumonia. We were shocked because his symptoms had been fairly mild, but his oxygen would drop low enough on a pulse oximeter that his fiancé Ashley, who was in school to become a nurse, was concerned. He went in expecting that he’d receive treatment with some oxygen and possibly an inhaler or steroid. Once admitted to the hospital, Phil and our mom, Pam, spoke with the doctor and right away asked for treatment with Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and Azithromycin as well as some other vitamins. The doctor was also told that Phil did not want treatment with Remdisivir and did not want to go on a ventilator. The doctor refused the medications Phil requested and stated that the hospital was following the NIH Covid Protocol and those drugs were not approved under those guidelines for Covid treatment. Per the protocol, Phil was started on the steroid Dexamethasone, IV fluids, oxygen, and vitamins (C,D, and zinc).

Ashley and her mom, Patty, both grew concerned about his care when they found out that Phil was being given 6 liters of oxygen, which seemed high. Ashley’s family works very closely with people in the medical field all the time and are no strangers to dealing with the hospital. They had Phil add them to his HIPAA. They spoke with his nurse for the day to work on decreasing his oxygen in order to prevent him from going into further respiratory distress. They explained to me at this point that supplemental oxygen is like a drug and if given too much it can cause further respiratory distress - even irreparable damage to the lungs in extreme cases. The nurse agreed that 6 liters of oxygen seemed high for Phil and worked with them to come up with a plan to wean the supplemental oxygen back down to keep his lungs working. They got him back down through the course of the afternoon and evening to 4.5 or 4 liters. At some point, after the night nurse took over, his oxygen was turned back up to 6 liters. We later found in his charts that they had given Phil morphine that night. As morphine can be a respiratory depressant this could explain turning his oxygen back up, though there is no notation as to why that medication was necessary. We also found out earlier that day they were preparing to discharge Phil and during discharge education, he was asked if he would get vaccinated, Phil declined for the time being. To our knowledge, he never knew they planned to discharge him, and we were never given a reason as to why they decided against doing so.

The next afternoon Phil was moved upstairs to the ICU due to his increasing need for oxygen. They told us his treatment plan would be remaining the same. On the 28th when Ashley called the ICU to speak with Phil’s nurse she was told that Phil was maxed out on all care and at risk of being intubated. Up to that point in the ICU, he had been switching back and forth between heated high-flow oxygen and a bi-pap machine. The night before when Patty had spoken to the nurse on shift, she was told he was stable and still had plenty of wiggle room on both supports. When they questioned his nurse about why his needs had increased so much she refused to state why and told them he was not likely to live because he was unvaccinated. According to the state of Washington, Phil was a candidate for monoclonal antibody treatment. Patty called back to ask about this and why it was never presented as an option and his nurse then stated she didn’t believe Phil was a candidate and that it didn’t matter for him anyway because the hospital wouldn’t administer them. They are for outpatient care only.


“Impactful quote from the following paragraph.”

At this point, Ashley began asking for an updated list of the current medications Phil was taking and wanted to have his flow charts faxed over so she could look at them to see if she could understand better what was happening. The nurse stated that would be too time-consuming and wouldn’t do it. Patty spoke to the lead nurse that afternoon and was told it would be easy for them to get that information by gaining access to his online patient portal which hospital administration granted them very grudgingly.

One of the first progress notes they saw was about Phil declining and mentioned something about him being at risk of “imminent death.” When Ashley, Patty, and my mom, Pam, spoke with his doctor that evening he told them it was very likely that his decline was caused by Remdisivir which Phil eventually consented to take once he was moved to the ICU. They pushed that drug every time they came into his room until he finally agreed after they told him he was likely to die. After one dose Phil developed the liver of an alcoholic. When they questioned the doctor about the note that mentioned “imminent death” they were told that he was failing fast and that covid is a very up and down disease.

On the morning of the 29th, Ashley was told by the nurse that Phil now had some wiggle room on his high flow and BiPAP, which was an improvement from the day prior when he was maxed out. He was actually rebounding from the hit he took from the Remdisivir and his liver levels were coming down, his O2 stat was improving and his inflammatory markers were going down. Ashley did notice in the portal that his white blood cell count was starting to rise and Phil likely had an infection coming on so she asked the nurse to have the doctor look at that and call her and discuss with Phil starting on an antibiotic to address it. She also asked about starting Phil on an inhaled steroid, Budesonide. The nurse stated that she’d leave messages for the doctor and his day nurse regarding both of these things. We were never contacted by the day nurse or the doctor.

Ashley and Patty spoke to Phil that day about having him sign paperwork giving them Power of Attorney with our mom to allow them to help advocate for him so he didn’t feel like he needed to be making all these decisions alone despite the fact that nobody was allowed to come in and be with him. He agreed and they dropped the paperwork off at the hospital.

That afternoon sometime between 3:00 and 3:30 I was with my mom when Phil called her. He told her the doctors were going to intubate him that day. When she asked him how he felt about that he told her that they said it was his only chance to survive.

The Lies, Neglect, Malpractice, and Abuse

“She was informed that she was no longer allowed to call the hospital .”

When he called Ashley to tell her, she got extremely concerned. She asked him why and he told her they said it would just be for a few days so he could rest. She again asked him why and told him his numbers were all looking better and gave him the improvements she’d seen in his stats listed above. His oxygen was at 92%. He did not seem to know any of that information. At that point, his nurse left the room with his phone and began yelling at Ashley telling her she was being unsupportive and wanted to know how and why she had access to his medical information. She yelled that he was tired and she didn’t know because she wasn’t at the bedside to see him. Ashley then asked permission to be able to see him and was told no. Ashley then asked that he be allowed a second opinion as is his right. The nurse agreed that he did have that right but stated that it was too late to stop the process now and that no second opinion would be given.

When asked about the power of attorney paperwork that had been sent for him, the nurse informed Ashley and Patty that they refused to let him sign it because there was no time to get it notarized. Patty informed his nurse that a notary wasn’t needed. Due to the pandemic and emergency orders put in place in Washington State, it was not necessary to have a notary present when he signed the paperwork. All of that info came from our courthouse when they picked up the paperwork. The nurse informed them she didn’t know the current laws and was too busy to look it up before promptly hanging up.

Ashley was forced to call his phone back at that point and when someone picked it up, she asked that they hold the phone where he could hear it so she could tell him she loved him prior to him being intubated. As soon as she told him to stay strong, and that she loved him the phone immediately hung up again.

When Ashely called the hospital that night to check on his status, she was informed that she was no longer allowed to call the hospital and told she could just continue reading his charts for updates. From now on, our mom Pam, was the only one who would be allowed to contact the hospital regarding his care as his power of attorney. I was with her that night when we spoke to his night nurse. He informed us that the intubation procedure had “gone beautifully” and that Phil was essentially in a medically induced coma and resting comfortably. We didn’t find out the truth of it until seeing his charts for the first time months after he had passed.

Phil was restrained, strapped by his wrists to the bed, and intubated with no anesthesia. In his notes, it states that this was necessary because he tried to push the doctors away from him, though he was non-violent and non-combative. After he was intubated he was given a cocktail of several different sedatives, including fentanyl, and a paralytic drug to keep his body from fighting against the ventilator.

The next morning Ashley became incredibly concerned looking at his patient portal as he was not tolerating things as well as his night nurse had told us. At that point, Pam called the hospital and requested a phone call back from his doctor. When he called back he told mom that she needed to prepare for the worst as Phil was declining rapidly and was now experiencing early stages of kidney failure and suggested they start dialysis right away. He was also diagnosed with shock and malnutrition in less than 24 hours on the ventilator. Mom agreed to dialysis and they spoke about the possibility of transferring Phil to a different hospital for treatment on an ECMO machine. Mom agreed to let him be transferred if another hospital had a machine and agreed to take him. She got very emotional and asked the doctor if there was any way they’d agree to allow someone to come in and be with him even though she knew it was against the rules. He did say to her that there were sometimes exceptions and he’d put in the request for her to see if that would be possible.

Finally Allowed to See Him

Once mom got the news that they would allow her in to see Phil, she had already decided that if he could hear anyone, it would likely be the best for him to hear Ashley’s voice, so as much as she’d like to be the one to see him she told Ashley it should be her. When she called to ask the hospital if this would be acceptable we were told that Ashley was now banned from the hospital for harassing the staff. She also asked if they could get permission for our dad, Tom, to see Phil, and that request was denied. Mom would be the only one allowed in. When she got to the hospital the doctor went into Phil’s room with her to tell her again that Phil would most likely not live and that he was still working on getting a transfer to get Phil on ECMO. Mom was invited to come back the next day by his nurse. We were surprised as we thought it would be permission for a one-time visit. When mom asked if she was allowed to come back she was told by the nurse she would be. She was allowed in to visit him once a day from October 1 - October 7.

During that time she witnessed what she described as a lot of unsanitary practices. Nurses would wear one pair of gloves the entire time and go from touching their computers and various things outside the room to touching Phil and the machines and tubes hooked up to him without changing or attempting to sanitize them.

She also witnessed several nurses struggling with his dialysis. There were a lot of struggles with his Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) machine. She said the nurses enjoyed asking questions and hearing stories about Phil while she was there and that one of them admitted to her it definitely made their patients more human to them when they got to see families and hear stories like that. Phil was making improvements during this time. Not huge leaps but baby steps forward, and because of that the two hospitals that were considering him for ECMO both stated he was no longer a candidate. We also discovered during this time that Phil did not do well when placed in the prone position. His blood pressure would drop and his oxygen would go down, and then they’d have to work again to restabilize him every time, which was voiding any progress he was making and kept his body in constant state of shock. It was decided and added to his chart not to continue trying to position him that way because he didn’t tolerate it well. During this time we also started seeing notes from his doctors stating that Phil was vaccinated while previous notes stated that he was unvaccinated.

Sometime the night of October 5th going into the 6th, Phil’s dialysis machine went offline. Nobody can tell us why that happened or the reason it remained offline for close to 3 hours before somebody realized it. This set Phil back even farther due to the stress it had on his body which was on a machine that provided continuous dialysis.

October 6th, he’d been on the ventilator for a week, and the doctor treating him asked for permission to take Phil for a CT scan. This would be very dangerous as he needed to be unhooked from all of his machines (including the continuous dialysis again) in order to get the scan. Within 24 hours of being intubated Phil developed an MRSA infection and the doctors told us he had both MRSA and Covid pneumonia, though they never did get a sample of anything from his lungs. MRSA was found when they swabbed his trachea. We were told by a medical professional not involved in Phil’s treatment that a likely reason for this was that they didn’t do a sterile intubation procedure and the infection was a result of that.

The day after he was intubated he was started on both antibiotics Vancomycin and Cefepime at the same time to address this. Despite being on those two antibiotics doctors were concerned to see his white cell count increasing. This is why they told us the CT scan was necessary. Once given permission we received a call that Phil had survived going for his scan and that they’d been able to get him back to a more stable condition and were making him comfortable.

Denied Further Visitation

“The nurse told mom she would only be allowed back in to see Phil when he was actively dying.”

On the 7th, when mom went to see Phil, she was informed she was no longer going to be allowed in to see him. The nurse told mom she would only be allowed back in to see Phil when he was actively dying. She was then given the results of his CT scan the previous day which showed sinus and ear infections that have somehow developed despite him being on those two very wide coverage antibiotics.

Two days later, on October 8th, I was with mom when she called his nurse to get an update and the nurse stated that the doctor was considering taking Phil for a CT scan because they suspected infection. We had to inform her, much to her surprise, that it had already been done two days prior and sinus and ear infections had been found. The nurse then looked through his charts and confirmed to us that was the case. At this point, mom asked to have his doctor for the day to call her so they could discuss getting those treated with a new antibiotic right away and some of the inconsistencies in his care as it seemed the right hand never knew what the left was doing.

When that doctor called her, he spoke about Phil’s CT results and told us how critically ill Phil was and he wouldn’t want to take hope away but that he didn’t expect Phil to live. When mom asked him about getting Phil on an antibiotic to take care of the sinus and ear infection, he told us that they’d started Phil on a new antibiotic that morning called Cefepime. I was texting Ashley at the time who told me to inform him that Phil had been on that antibiotic for a week now. Our conversation with him ended pretty quickly after that. A different doctor called us back later and told us his colleague had been mistaken and that Phil was started on Vancomycin that morning. We informed him that was also false and that Phil had also been on that antibiotic for a week.

Later that afternoon we spoke with the infectious disease doctor and Ashley questioned him as to why Phil would develop sinus and ear infection while currently on two antibiotics. He stated that these infections were not of concern and rejected our requests for Phil to be given erythromycin or doxycycline to treat these new infections. He said that was not used in the treatment of covid and would not be given. He did suggest starting Phil on an antifungal drug, Amphotericin, despite no evidence in his labs of a fungal infection. Upon further research of this drug and all the others they had him on, specifically the Cefepime and the Vanco, we discovered that all of them are known to be toxic to the kidneys and the injury to Phil’s kidneys continued to get worse daily.

Mom spoke with his night doctor and expressed our concerns about all of the medications Phil was on and the fact that two doctors earlier in the day either couldn’t be bothered to read his charts or just flat out lied to her about medications and how long they had been being given. She also expressed her concern over starting him on an antifungal that would also be extremely hard on his kidneys without knowing that he even needed it. That doctor agreed that the risks outweigh the benefits given his condition and the absence of any evidence of a fungal infection and agreed to “hold off” treatment with an antifungal. During this call we requested that Cefepime be switched out for Doxycycline to help take some of the strain off of Phil’s kidneys because his renal injury was not improving and his white cell count was going up despite 8 days of treatment with Cefepime. He wouldn’t agree to Doxycycline, but he did agree to switch to Zosyn. At this point, mom requested that any time new medications were to begin she would be notified for approval as his POA because it was her job to advocate for him and he couldn’t give consent to those medications. He told her that was not typically done, but would do his best when he was providing Phil’s care to do so. He put in his notes after our call to begin antifungal meds in the morning. We were forced to phone back at this point and notify his nurse that we would be refusing any treatment with an antifungal drug unless that could prove it necessary.

Over Oxygenated

That night before leaving mom’s house, Ashley checked Phil’s labs that had come in on the portal and his blood oxygen was at 194. We thought for sure there had to be some kind of error as 100 should be as good as it gets, but the next morning, the 9th, when labs updated his blood oxygen was still at 186. When Mom, Ashley, and Patty called the hospital they asked to speak to the respiratory therapist and asked about the high level of oxygen in his blood. She denied that it was high, and stated that it is safe for blood oxygen to be at those levels for a short period of time when using Nitric Oxide as they had done - even though this goes against the NIH protocol they refused to deviate from when we made a request for alternative treatments. She couldn’t give a definitive answer as to whether or not 12 hours was considered a short period of time in this regard. Shortly after this phone call, the progress note she’d made in his chart talking about high levels of oxygen in his blood disappeared.

Two separate doctors confirmed to us that day such high blood oxygen levels for that amount of time was not really good for someone - especially in Phil’s condition. The doctor who had been on shift overnight expressed to us that the ICU had been incredibly busy and he hadn’t caught Phil’s high levels and he apologized for that mistake and acknowledged that we were correct about the potential for levels that high for that long a period of time could cause damage to Phil’s lungs. Despite that, his day doctor on the 10th ordered nitric oxide to be administered again, which - again - goes against the protocol they kept telling us they were following and had already proven detrimental to Phil.

When they tried to wean him off the Nitric Oxide, they did it too quickly which resulted in being unsuccessful at weaning him off at all. That night they began trying to wean him off some of his other medications and support to ease the strain and the shock it was all causing his body and we started seeing improvement in his white blood cell count with the new antibiotic he was on.

On the 11th, when we called to check on Phil, his day nurse informed us that Phil had been proned again, despite it being noted in his chart that he did not tolerate this and not to do so. He became very unstable and they had just gotten him flipped onto his back again. We were told he was stable though he was not doing as well as he was before they had proned him. When we asked about getting him stable we were just told to pray. We later spoke with the night doctor who had been working on weaning Phil off some of his supports the night before and he had no idea about the episode earlier due to Phil being proned. The doctor indicated Phil was likely in for a really rough night after looking at the charts while talking to mom. We expressed concern as his blood oxygen was now at 270 when his most recent labs had come in and the doctor told us that Phil’s blood was having trouble circulating and he had begun to show signs of mottling and his heart was having trouble, so they tried the nitric oxide again and the lab was likely right after it had been given. Ashley was also concerned that the dosage of vancomycin Phil was receiving hadn’t been consistent or what would be considered a peak dosage. When asked about that the doctor said he’d look at it but needed to speak with the pharmacist about changing the dosage. He indicated he was not concerned about the levels of Phil’s increasing white blood cell count. Ashley then asked about some medications she read about that were published in an article from another hospital in the state and the doctor stated he’d do some research, but again stated that this hospital only follows the NIH protocol. Another request for a broncho-steroid was denied again.

The following day Mom, Ashley, and Patty had a phone call with a hospital administrator after calling several times and voicing grave concerns about the case management in Phil’s care. The doctor insisted that mistakes were not tolerated in this hospital and he would be reviewing Phil’s notes to ensure no more were made. He also stated that the hospital held itself to the highest standard of care and that they wanted to work with us so that we wouldn’t feel the need to transfer his care to another hospital. Yet when the conversation was over and he thought he’d hung up his phone he made a comment about the call being “too much” before the line actually disconnected.

Later that day we were finally able to reach a lawyer who was willing to help us fight for certain medications and fight to make the hospital facilitate a transfer to a new facility. It took SO long for anyone to even hear us out once they heard the words “covid” and “malpractice” in the same sentence. This attorney has been donating her time and services pro bono to families in the position we found ourselves in to try and help people advocate for patients’ rights in their covid care. She immediately drafted a letter requesting finally that Phil be started back on his vitamins, which they had stopped giving him once he was put on the ventilator despite his POA requesting he stay on them. She also requested different antibiotics, an antiviral and an inhaled steroid. We printed these and delivered them to the hospital for several different doctors and the hospital administrator they had spoken with.

That night when we got the progress call from the doctor he agreed to start Phil on his vitamins again but stated he’d need to consult his infectious disease colleagues before changing antibiotics. He said he’d look at the rest and see what he could do. The following morning he called with a progress update from overnight to say he’d prescribed the vitamins we requested and all other medications requests would be denied unless the infectious disease doctor agreed to change the antibiotics. He started suggesting that we look into palliative care and telling us the transfer we were seeking wasn’t in Phil’s best interests. We told them we would not be starting palliative care and to still pursue transfer, as we didn’t feel we could trust the doctors or nurses to communicate effectively with us or each other and weren’t willing to try any alternative therapies as their protocols were clearly not working for Phil.

The Lies and Manipulation

“He said that Phil was dying and we were being inhumane by fighting to keep him alive.”

That morning we also got a call from Phil’s nurse. They had been working on weaning him off some of his sedation and he was not awake yet, but beginning to respond to voice commands by squeezing the nurse’s hand when she asked, etc. Ashley, Patty, Mom, and I all took a turn speaking to him. We also spoke with the infectious disease doctor who again refused our request to change Phil’s antibiotics to the erythromycin or azithromycin (Z-pack) we were requesting. He did state that for the MRSA pneumonia he would switch out the Vanco for Ceftaroline, and we told him we’d like to research that drug before we agreed to it. The only reason he’d give for refusing the other two antibiotics was that they don’t treat covid. We insisted that we were asking him to treat a secondary infection not covid. We already knew he had a sinus/ear infection they were leaving untreated, and possibly another because Phil’s white cell count continued rising even after being on Vanco and another antibiotic for almost 2 weeks. We were still denied because “it’s not how we treat covid.” We asked at this point if he had ever been re-tested for Covid. Ashley knew from doing clinicals in that hospital as part of her nursing program that patients in the hospital were required to be tested for covid every 5 days. Phil had been there nearly 3 weeks at this point, and we felt that if he was no longer testing negative they should be able to treat outside the covid protocol they refused to deviate from. We were told because he was admitted with covid they didn’t ever retest him for covid as that wasn’t part of their protocol. We requested that he be retested and were, of course, denied. He told us Phil’s high and rising white cell count wasn’t of concern and hung up before we could say anything else.

Shortly after that Mom was called and the hospital was requesting a meeting with her, Ashley and Patty. They went in and met with the palliative care doctor even after rejecting Phil on palliative care. We hoped that the doctor would at least listen to our concerns based on the experiences we and Phil had in his stay at the hospital. She listened and assured them that she would work with them on a plan for Phil’s long-term care. She even arranged for mom to go see Phil after the meeting, but after hearing their concerns the doctor allowed Ashley to see Phil as well. They both said that he wasn’t awake but knew he was aware of their presence because he had tears coming out of his eyes when they were talking to him. After about an hour, mom left the room as she was becoming emotional and wanted Ashley to have some time alone with him. It was at that time a doctor who never once took the time to return our phone calls despite many requests for him to do so came into the room and told Ashley that there was nothing more he could do for Phil. He said that Phil was dying and we were being inhumane by fighting to keep him alive, and then told her it was going to be harder to let him go now because he was aware and responding to commands. He refused any of the medication changes from our attorney. During her visit with Phil, Ashley noticed severe skin tenting indicating that he was extremely dehydrated, and also noted that they had done zero oral care for him. Despite that, his condition seemed steady for the time she was in the room, though he was in very critical condition.

That night around 9, the night doctor called to tell mom that after she and Ashley had left Phil had an episode. He told them to come now because he was afraid Phil wasn’t going to make it through the night. When they got there, this doctor too entered the room and told mom and Ashley that Phil was dying and there was nothing he could do for him. Ashley noted that she stayed in the room with him for 5 hours and his stats were all the same as they were earlier in the day which didn’t quite make sense to her. At one point, Mom was getting very emotional and went into the hallway to cry and to give Ashley time alone with Phil. As she was crying she was approached by Phil’s nurse and the chaplain who kept telling her how terribly painful it would be for Phil to have to resuscitate him and how hard that would be on him. The doctor soon approached and joined in, saying that Phil’s heart was too unstable and asking if mom was sure she wanted him to hop on his chest and crack his ribs and revive him.

The Hospital Determines The Time of Death

“We have doctors admitting that they know the protocols don’t work.”

They brought my mother and his fiancé back into the hospital to see him at death’s door due to their negligence. They targeted my mother and used her love for her son and the suffering their treatment protocol and neglect caused him (and would continue to cause him) and coerced her into agreeing to a DNR. The doctor told her bringing him back just to let him die again would be too hard on Phil. She instructed them that Phil was to receive all of the medications he was currently getting and that he could go in his own time when/if he was ready. Then she told the doctor and the nurse how disgusted she was by what was happening in Phil’s care, in that hospital and in hospitals across the country. She said they’d all allowed politics to dictate how they were treating patients when they had every chance to do more for them. The doctor nodded, agreeing with her and said, “Yes. I suppose I’ll have some things to answer for someday.” If that isn't an admission that they know what’s happening with these protocols is wrong, then I don’t know what it is. Phil passed away about 3 hours after this conversation. Looking at his charts after he passed, we saw that after fighting with our lawyer for new medications, his white cell count was improving and his heart was actually functioning at 60-65%, which we’ve been told by other medical professionals is actually good for a patient in critical care. The doctor increased his fentanyl dosage in the hours before he passed.

We have doctors admitting that they know the protocols don’t work, proof of deleted chart notes, deviating from the protocols in ways that only cause more harm, refusal to allow patients alternative treatments at their request, nurses that can’t be bothered to read chart notes, nurses who are passing judgment on patients for their choices regarding vaccines (and letting that influence the care they provide), nurses who yell at patients loved ones for asking questions, healthcare professionals who don’t communicate with one another and lie to patients families about medications, doctors who refuse to treat secondary infections… and they say there was nothing they could do. If any of this were really about saving a life, why wouldn’t they be willing to try anything and everything when somebody was so critically ill? And why would they lie about treatments and omit important information? Medicine is not one size fits all, and one protocol isn’t effective for all people. How is it that a nursing student is able to spot these mistakes from home and gets banned from the hospital for questioning the doctors and nurses in charge of ICU patients who aren’t catching these things? Are they really mistakes?

If they all had as much care and compassion as they say and their interest was in seeing people get healthy, I imagine my brother would still be here. The Ivermectin he requested was denied because they said it wasn’t part of the NIH protocol when it is, in fact, listed on their protocol.

Instead, in the hospital’s care, he was malnourished to the point of losing nearly 90 pounds. In three weeks. Mostly in the last two weeks after being on the ventilator. Had he survived he would have had massive issues with dependency on drugs and his kidneys were severely injured thanks to all the meds they were giving him. Phil, with no underlying health conditions upon being admitted to the hospital, died of a heart attack caused by septic shock from untreated infections. Everything they did to him saying it would help him only hurt him worse. Yet they say he died of covid. I still don’t know what to say to that, because it's simply not true. They refused to retest him so we don’t even know if he died with covid, at this point.

I do know that if the standard of care had been as high as we were continually told then we wouldn’t have these questions. I also know if he had been provided compassionate and quality care, Ashley wouldn’t have found photos of Phil in his hospital bed taken by the nurse that took his phone and yelled at her just before he was intubated. Phil’s wallet wouldn’t have been stolen from that hospital and his debit and credit cards wouldn’t have been charged four days after he died. It's like all the people working in hospitals forgot why they decided to choose those professions.

To all of the staff working in hospitals who know and understand what’s happening to be wrong, come forward. If you know better, DO better. If 100 good doctors and nurses do nothing about even one of the bad ones - the ones who aren’t choosing to do best by their patients - we have hundreds of bad doctors and nurses. Get brave enough to come forward and speak out now. When the hospitals all start getting called to account for all that they’ve done - and they will - do you think they’ll protect you, or their own bottom line?

It is our hope that Phil’s story, along with so many others, can help end this medical tyranny and hold people accountable for their roles in it.

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