Fremont, IN.
My 66 yr old Dad was murdered. They executed him.

His mother had to watch him take his last breath from 15 ft away through glass.
The Hospital
“They’d started him on Remdesivir and Dexamethasone upon admittance.”
Dad had controlled COPD and came down with covid Oct 2020. He fought it at home for 5 days, per his pulmonologist and urgent care nurse’s instructions. He was admitted to the hospital on Oct 8th. Twenty-four hours later he told us on the phone he didn’t know what happened, but something went seriously south. They’d started him on Remdesivir and Dexamethasone upon admittance. He continued to decline. They gave him the plasma antibody treatment twice, after the second time he declined further. His breathing was so bad we couldn’t talk to him on the phone after the first week. We were only able to do one zoom meeting with him. His O2 continued to drop, they continued raising his oxygen levels and changing the methods of delivery. They would not allow any of us in to see him. Dad couldn’t understand some of his Dr’s, as they were foreign. He didn’t understand the papers being presented to him, nor what many were saying. They started him on something to relax him and kept him on it.
He Was A Fighter

On Oct 25th they called us and told us to come down, he wasn’t gonna make it. They had him on morphine when we arrived. They told us he was starved for oxygen, his organs were failing, he was suffering, he was blue and we needed to sign papers to let him go. We suited up and entered that room and my Dad was alert, although drugged, and talked and joked with us like he normally would. They said it was the morphine killing the air hunger. He was hallucinating some, but making jokes, talking to his mother through the glass THAT THEY WOULD NOT ALLOW IN because of her age, and telling us he was coming home. After 90 minutes they made us leave. We had to stand there smiling and talking to him like nothing was wrong, and then we had to leave knowing it would be the last time we’d see him….but it wasn’t. He didn’t die that night. He was such a fighter.
They Murdered Him
“Five minutes later she came in with a massive dose of morphine.”
They called us back down late the next afternoon and said he wasn’t gonna make it for the second time. When we arrived they had him on so much morphine he was trying to speak but couldn’t form the words. The Dr told us the amount of morphine they had in him would stop all of our breathing. As soon as we walked in he tried lifting his head to tell his wife he had to potty. She helped him potty and he laid his head back on the bed with his eyes rolled back in his head. I grabbed his hand and told him it was going to be ok. He lifted his head and his eyes got huge and he tried to say something to me. I went out and told the nurse that I couldn’t kill him, he was trying to speak to me! Five minutes later she came in with a massive dose of morphine. My eyes were locked with his as it hit him, his head went back, his eyes closed, and I held his hand until he took his last breath. His mother had to watch him take his last breath from 15 ft away through glass. The cruelty of this is beyond my grasp.

My 66 yr old Dad was murdered. They executed him. He suffered a long, painful, terrifying suffocation by other’s hands for greed, and he suffered all alone for absolutely no reason. I will spend the rest of my life seeing his eyes close and watching him gasp for his last breaths. There is no punishment strong enough for these people outside of God’s punishment, and I hope they all burn in hell.