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Karen N.'s Story

Palmdale, CA

So I see that their no visiting rule was merely a way to hold the patient hostage, and isolated, from anyone who could possibly defend them from "death row."

These patients became the "test" group for the experiments.

She Didn’t Go In For Covid

“Unvaccinated were looked down upon, and not allowed to have a say as to what they want or didn't want with regard to care.”

This whole event started with Mom going to ER with a fractured tailbone, wanting to get an assessment of the injury, and a referral for rehabilitation for it, as suggested by the urgent care doctor. While in ER, she had no issues, medically, other than noted above. It was when she was given ANOTHER shot of Dilaudid (only 2.5hrs after they had given her first one and just minutes before she was to be released), that she did have issues with her breathing. Since they were having an issue with getting her back to her pre Dilaudid O² saturation status, her release was canceled. That was the start of the legal and medical violations that compounded until her death 7 days later.

It is important to share that from the start, everyone involved with her "care" made a specific point to say "unvaccinated, of course". Unvaccinated were looked down upon, and not allowed to have a say as to what they want or didn't want with regard to care. These patients became the "test" group for the experiments. They were subjected to it, whether it was harmful or proper, or if it was detrimental in relation to other medical issues someone may have.

No Standard of Care

I asked, repeatedly, if she was getting food and water and antibiotics? The nurse seemed to rush over the answer, saying yes, then changing subject pretty quickly. When I learned she was on Bipap, I asked how she was eating if she had the mask on and they would not allow her to take it off? That is when the nurse got quite angry with me and pushed me off the phone. It was then I called the case manager, and asked her to inquire about this question, to her contacts she had at the hospital, for insight. She stated she spoke with the nurse who told her "I already explained this to the daughter this morning, but I will do it again."

That question was never answered by anyone else I was able to get a hold of. Now I understand why. They had no answer, because she wasn't being fed! But the extent they would rather spin stories or chastise family, who are wanting to get information from them, as was THEIR rules on how to obtain this information on my Mom, to push me back on my heels for doing so and thus not having to just talk honestly with me, is jaw dropping. This is basic human care. Not even something someone needs a Ph. D to know and understand everyone needs to eat and drink merely to survive, yet that's exactly what they didn't do. One can only conclude that this act of starvation was, indeed, intentional. She was denied food and hydration for 3 days and her nutritional assessment was done 6 hours after she died.

Sepsis And Failure To Act

“He opted to finally give antibiotics and fluids just 30 minutes before she died.”

She had hospital acquired sepsis unaddressed for nearly 30 hrs, even though high alert by hospital Cerner system specifically advised of ensuing sepsis. She had 103.8 fever and was treated with ice packs and ibuprofen until 30 minutes before dying and was given antibiotics. The nurse attempted to reach the doctor, unsuccessfully, 3 separate times by phone, covering the span of over an hour. Once he called back, this is when he opted to finally give antibiotics and fluids just 30 minutes before she died. Upon autopsy, it was discovered that she had a Superimposed Bacterial Pneumonia, that has developed into pus nodules in her lungs.

Oxygen Toxicity

“I heard my Mom in the background yelling at them she didn't want to wear it.”

When receiving oxygen via HFNC, the settings for oxygen flow rate (not to be mistaken for FIO2 setting, which is different) should be no higher than 60 ml. When she was switched from Bipap to the HFNC, this setting was set at 75 and she was hyperinflated, and seemingly suffering from oxygen toxicity. Upon finally seeing her on 1/20, she was mentally challenged, unable to speak, and seemingly as if she had mental retardation.

While I was on the phone with the nurse, I heard my Mom in the background yelling at them she didn't want to wear it, that she couldn't breathe with it on. (Ironic) This was the same time that is noted in her file that the settings were set too high. So in essence, she truly couldn't breathe with it on. Had they actually listened to her, rather than discounting and blatantly ignoring her complaint, rather than being so self righteous, they would have seen their error and could have corrected it. But instead, she suffered even more with being essentially suffocated (the one thing that the very thought of would cause great anxiety to her her whole life.... and something she had to endure from those who were too smug to double check their settings).

Medication Error

They abruptly stopped her 2 long time use, and well taken psych meds ( Ativan and Olanzapine) and given 2 other ones (phenothiazine and Haldol), for no real substantiated reason. The also changed her BP meds from Benazepril to Norvasc. Why? Not even the same type of BP meds. Also, it looks as if she was not given any of her pain Medication after 1/18, even though she was suffering with a fractured tailbone. The pain of this issue would have been terrible, then to be denied pain meds that she normally took at home, on schedule, would have only exacerbated severe anxiety and mental anguish, on top of excruciating pain she went there initially to get treatment for!

No Informed Consent

“He opted to finally give antibiotics and fluids just 30 minutes before she died.”

She was given experimental drugs, without informed consent or right of refusal, by her or me (her Durable Power of Attorney). Her hospital file even noted. She was given Remdesivir and Baracitinib (Baracitinib is a very powerful RA drug and she didn't have RA) and SHOULD NOT be the first drug of choice for treatment per the FDA. It became clear that any past medical history, that would make a person ineligible for certain types of medicine, played no part in medical treatment in a hospital. Being a former smoker, albeit 25 years ago, should have rendered treatment from this drug (Bariticinib) to not even be considered. However, reports were "revised" from original hospital visit reports which noted " former smoker" to now read " "never smoker". I kept all my original files through the years for my Mom, and could see the changes made. Unbelievable! Blatant and unremorseful fraud in and of itself? However, the Violation of her civil rights, based on the Nuremberg Code, is even more blatant and illegal.

The doctor decided to give her phenothiazine, to "calm her down". Phenothiazine has a direct correlation to leukopenia. When she died 10 hrs. later, it is noted that she was suffering from leukopenia. A fact that was not an issue only hours before. However, the numerous side effects this medication causes, in which she exhibited every one of them, only added to her mental cognizant issues. (Delirium) (coupled with the severe dehydration she was already suffering from, at their hands).

This Should Never Have Happened

“I learned that she tried to leave on 3 occasions but was immediately placed back in her bed with a babysitter in the room to watch her to make sure she complied.”

The day before she died, when I tried to zoom call her, that is when I learned that she had been unresponsive for the entire day. I was never informed of this at all and only told when they felt they needed to say something, since they could no longer hide it. I was done with the runaround, the misdirection, the lying by omissions, and I said to them " I'm coming up. If you have a problem with it, arrest me, but I am going to see my Mom! " Something happened between my hanging up and getting up to her room, which was only a matter of 30 mins, for she was quite awake when I got to the room. I went up and wasn't ready for what I saw. It was as if she was mentally retarded, or an untrained animal. She couldn't speak, just grunted. She didn't want any of the nurses touching her, as was apparent by her actively pushing them away, which they seemed to just laugh off. However, the fear in her eyes told me she was truly fearful of them and the treatment they had done to her. What did they do to her?? Well, in reading the hospital report, there was a lot of damage, yet also lack of care for true high priority events, like SEPSIS, or basic food and water.

They ensured she had no advocate there to watch out for her and speak for her (since I was her durable power of attorney, and caretaker), and had to practically beg for someone to talk to me. I offered to stay there, in her room with her for the duration of her stay, as I had always done every time she was in the hospital, through the years. I even stated I would not leave to go anywhere else, so as to keep everything sterile, as they supposedly wanted. But I was given the runaround, shuffled from one person to the next, all the way up to the hospital administrator, for 4 days. Once I did make it up to her I was amazed to see how many nurses and other personnel were bouncing in and out of her room, some only with a mask on during the 4 hours I was up there. So I see that their no visiting rule was merely a way to hold the patient hostage, and isolated, from anyone who could possibly defend them from "death row." How can those who took an oath to help, and not intentionally cause harm to someone so egregiously violate that very oath? This was my Mom, who was my everything. We spent the entire day, everyday, together. She was my best friend. She cared for the world around her and gave so much of herself to anyone who needed it, without fanfare, so many times without wanting acknowledgement. For her life to have been taken, so cold and calculating, without any of those responsible to not even seemingly bat an eye, and just go on with their lives as if just another day, while hers is over and mine is changed forever, this is wrong on so many levels. It's the part that it didn't have to happen, and should have never happened, and if she had received true patient driven care, as the hippocratic oath states.

I learned that she tried to leave on 3 occasions but was immediately placed back in her bed with a babysitter in the room to watch her to make sure she complied with what THEY wanted her to do. So much for the right of refusal. The nurse asked me, when I finally did get up there to see her, if I wanted her to be restrained? No! Why would that even be asked? I believe they had already restrained her and were wanting some type of verbal consent to cover their actions taken previously.

There are even 3 separate times of death noted in her file. Something you'd think everyone would be in agreement about, and they can't even seem to get that story straight.

I have never witnessed such an hospital event so egregiously and blantantly inept, based on true incompetency, or voluntarily criminal. That line is a bit blurry. I wish I would have truly trusted my gut about her being there initially. That is a guilt I have to battle for the rest of my life.

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