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Joseph M.'s Story

Boca Raton, FL

God was definitely in my corner, and I know he allowed me to live to tell the story to help everyone obtain the knowledge of how corrupt this system and administration are.

My body went from 253 pounds to 166 pounds in just two months.


“I died and was revived but my family was told to make arrangements as I only had 48 hours to live.”

August 10, 2021 I was admitted for COVID-19 and double pneumonia. They administer a potent steroid as well as Remdesivir for seven days straight. This was at West Boca Medical Center in Boca Raton Florida. I was released August 18, 2021. I felt fine and drove to visit friends in Georgia. 4 to 5 days later I started having pains in my abdominal area, having to urinate every 5 to 10 minutes, severe dry mouth, and loss of balance. I somehow managed to fly back to Florida, leaving my vehicle and most of my possessions I had with me in Georgia. I was picked up by my son at the airport and he drove me back to West Boca Medical Center. Upon admission my blood sugar was 1967 and my triglycerides were 10,034.

I was admitted to ICU as I was in end-stage renal kidney failure, cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis, and pancreatitis so bad that they could not go near it to try and drain it as they were afraid to. I was in ICU on 100% oxygen. I died and was revived but my family was told to make arrangements as I only had 48 hours to live. Keep in mind I was admitted weighing 253 pounds of solid muscle, not an alcoholic, and not a substance abuser. My cousin worked diligently to get me out of West Boca Medical Center and then into a better facility as we realized that they were literally trying to kill me. I would push buttons for nurses; they would not come and when they did come I was treated abusively.


I was transferred to Baptist Health Boca regional Hospital . At this point I was now on dialysis three times a week, I had not any food or liquid in my system, my protein level was zero, my sodium level was zero, my vitamin D and vitamin C was zero. No doctor could explain why I was still alive. Another key point is I was not and have not been vaccinated , or I should say the shot as it’s not a vaccination. After 5 to 6 weeks in the new hospital, the kidney doctor came into my room and said they had good news, any news was good news at this point. They had surgically put in my neck to my heart the device that you hook the dialysis machine into. He told me that there was a miracle going on as my kidney function had regenerated and I was no longer going to be on dialysis after they told me I was going to be on it at least three times a week for the rest of my life or needing to get a kidney transplant or death. At this point all of my organs started regenerating on their own. I started eating small portions at a time and drinking water.

Abused And Drugged

“I was given the maximum amount of Dilaudid every four hours for 30 days straight, then was given morphine every four hours to wean me off of the Dilaudid, then a fentanyl patch to wean me off of the morphine.”

My body went from 253 pounds to 166 pounds in just two months. I lost the ability to walk because of this atrophy, went through massive bouts of constipation, a fisher, multiple urinary tract infections as I was administered a catheter which stayed in me for almost 2 months. I was given the maximum amount of Dilaudid every four hours for 30 days straight, then was given morphine every four hours to wean me off of the Dilaudid, then a fentanyl patch to wean me off of the morphine and obviously lots of Tylenol due to the fevers I was getting that would go up to 103 to 104°. I was transferred to what they referred to as a rehabilitation facility called Heartland in West Boca. After four days of no treatment, no blood sugar tests, no insulin administered to me when I was now a diabetic, being abused and threatened by the staff, to only find out that Heartland was a nursing home and not a rehabilitation center. The fact that so many people died in nursing homes has taught me that these nursing homes were advertising themselves as rehabilitation centers to the insurance companies obviously to make money.

Alive Despite Protocol

“No human being should have to go through this!”

When I was released I had to go to a rehabilitation facility for two weeks because I had not sat up more than a 45° angle for almost 3 months which affected my blood pressure. After a week I was finally able to get out of bed taking baby steps with a walker , and after 3 to 4 days was able to walk without the walker. I was released on October 23 to my home where I was on 30 days of home rehabilitation and home health care.

I am now 240 pounds of solid muscle again, playing basketball, working on my new career, and was told by no less than 20 doctors that I should have been dead on arrival and blind due to my blood sugar as well as I should have died while I was in the hospital. My cousin Lisa told me about this website as I believe my story is a little different than most as I was supposed to die from the protocol but fortunately I lived! I suffered from PTSD, and two months after I was released from the hospital I was “baker acted” from December 30 till January 3. I am now on several medications to keep my health up as well as Zoloft for the PTSD I developed due to my experience. No human being should have to go through this! The insurance companies have too much control. How many people were prematurely discharged and died because the insurance companies control the hourglass of our lives by not giving us the proper and lengthy treatment needed. I fought the system, I fought the insurance companies, I fought nature, and I won! God was definitely in my corner, and I know he allowed me to live to tell the story to help everyone obtain the knowledge of how corrupt this system and administration are. Thank you for your patience in reading this story and God bless.

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