Middlesex Hospital, CT
We refused the Remdesivir and the vent and I believe in return they took it out on my mother with toxic medications, refusal of liquids and nutrition

Our only comfort is that she found comfort in the arms of Jesus and my dad.
Denied Effective Treatment
“We were told it was not a CDC protocol when in fact Ivermectin was listed on the NIH website.”

The hospital protocols isolated and murdered my mother. I have audio tapes of the conversations I had with the doctor who refused all the treatments I was asking for. My mom went into the hospital with a prescription of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, which she was taking and the hospital refused to continue it for her. We were told it was not a CDC protocol when in fact Ivermectin was listed on the NIH website. I have hard copies of the website from that moment that the Dr insisted I was looking at the wrong NIH website, like there are multiple ones, and also refused to let me send her the link. We refused the Remdesivir and the vent and I believe in return they took it out on my mother with toxic medications, refusal of liquids and nutrition, her body's organs had no other choice but to shut down. All this time trying to give us comfort through iPad zooms which my mother couldn’t hear us because of all the noise from the oxygen machines.
Her Death Never Forgotten
She was our world and we were hers. She also died of a broken heart. There is so much more to this story that I relive everyday as I was the one in charge of her health decisions and also there when they pulled the plug and I had to watch her die. I want justice in her name. She left behind 4 children, 4 in-law children, 5 grandchildren, a sister, a brother and countless nieces/nephews and cousins. She was the rock of our family. She was 83 and not even close to being ready for the end of her life. Our only comfort is that she found comfort in the arms of Jesus and my dad, who died 32 years ago. Until the tragic day, she was devoted to both of them. I will never forgive what the hospital protocols did to our family.
