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Jason B.'s Story

Canton, GA

Some of us were not vaxxed and some have been triple vaxxed…didn’t matter we all got COVID!

A few weeks later my wife had a checkup with her female doctor who boldly proclaimed, “Remdesivir is what killed your mother.”

The Hospital

“At 1:30 a.m. she drove herself to Northside Cherokee Hospital and sat in the waiting room until around 5:30 a.m. without being admitted.”

We all got together at my mom and dad’s house to celebrate Christmas. It was the weekend after Christmas (New Year’s weekend) and there were about 12 of us. Evidently one of us had COVID and didn’t know it because over the next few days just about all of us got sick – with a wide range of symptoms from mild to severe – and also some of us were not vaxxed and some have been triple vaxxed…didn’t matter we all got COVID!

So my mom calls and says she’s going to the doctor for a routine sinus infection. The doctor orders a COVID test just to be sure and of course, she’s positive. At this point the only symptom my mom had was a nagging dry cough. In comparison my dad was in much worse shape battling COVID. So a few days later mom’s cough was so bad she couldn’t sleep and she would be coughing for hours at a time. At 1:30 a.m. she drove herself to Northside Cherokee Hospital and sat in the waiting room until around 5:30 a.m. without being admitted – due to being overrun of COVID patients.

She went back to her doctor and was able to order a monoclonal antibody infusion treatment in which a nurse came to her house a day or two later to administer it. Unfortunately, it didn’t help.

Just by chance my dad had one of those blood oxygen level monitors and decided to start checking my mom’s levels. He checked it every half hour and each time it dropped significantly so he called an ambulance to take her back to the ER. This time she got admitted because she was brought in by the ambulance!


The hospital gave mom a room on their “COVID floor” and put her on continuous oxygen to get her levels back up. She was totally fine, coherent, had her phone in hand and was texting us throughout the day. Of course, the hospital did every test under the sun and determined besides the “COVID pneumonia” that had gotten into her lungs, all her other vital organs were 100% fine (remember this).

After about a week on the COVID floor we got a call saying her oxygen levels had plummeted to 40, she had suffered a collapsed lung, and they were moving her into ICU and putting her on a ventilator. WTF?!? It was the beginning of the end and we were all in complete shock…

The next thing we know the doctor is calling to inform us that her kidneys have failed and she is going on dialysis – which quickly became continuous dialysis. Remember when they said all her other organs were totally fine?! I brought that up and then asked for a complete list of drugs they had her on – it was about 20, which included the controversial COVID drug Remdesivir, which, surprise, surprise, has been linked to kidney failure. We had no say in any of this as the hospital would not allow us in due to COVID protocols and we were at their mercy to receive vital info by phone calls – some days they called, some days they didn’t. We found out most of the stuff after the fact.

Forced EUA Drugs

““Those drugs have not been approved by the FDA,” to which I responded, “Neither have the majority of the vaccines which are being forced on us!””

There was a sermon our pastor Andy Stanley did with a COVID survivor in 2020 (he interviewed him and his wife on stage) who had a crazy story. He got a blood plasma exchange treatment. I requested this to my mom’s doctor and he said – “We don’t do that anymore because we weren’t getting successful results.” I wonder what they define as “successful results?” I didn’t get the chance to ask.

At one point during another phone call with the doctor, I asked – “Why can’t we give her the ‘Trump treatment,’” specifically mentioning Ivermectin (not sure if Trump ever took this) and hydroxychloroquine. The answer I got was “Those drugs have not been approved by the FDA,” to which I responded, “Neither have the majority of the vaccines which are being forced on us!” There was no response to that. Only that Remdesivir is the only COVID drug they were allowed to use at the time.

A few days later we found out they had to use the defibrillator to shock my mom’s heart back to the proper rhythms. Then we got a call saying she was having internal bleeding but they were unable to locate exactly where because they couldn’t move her to do any testing – because she was hooked up to so many machines.

Fear Of Hospitals

“What I do know is that everything that hospital did to my mother seemed to make things worse and worse.”

Then on Saturday morning, January 22, 2022, we got a call telling us to “come in and say goodbye to your mother.” Ironically, my mom had to die in order for the hospital staff to let us inside to see her. It was heart wrenching. I asked the doctor if we could give my mom 24 hours to see if “God can work a miracle.” His response was, “Your mom does not have hours. She has minutes. I cannot save her.”

So that was it. They turned off all the machines and she died almost instantly.

Another interesting thing regarding COVID was my conversation with the doctor regarding the variants when he said – “There is no way to know what variant someone has. And there is no way to test for it and no way to vaccinate for it.” That was interesting to hear from a COVID doctor working in an ICU.

A few weeks later my wife had a checkup with her female doctor who boldly proclaimed, “Remdesivir is what killed your mother.” I don’t know what’s true anymore but it sure was interesting to hear that from a “medical professional.” What I do know is that everything that hospital did to my mother seemed to make things worse and worse. And I now know why so many people are so adamant about not being taken to the hospital.

Another element that added anger and frustration is that our government was providing financial incentives to hospitals for each patient that was given Remdesivir, put on a ventilator, and died from COVID – all three happened to my mother. Regarding the incentives, I thought, “there’s no way this could be true!”…but all my research is showing that it is.

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