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Edith B.’s Story

Prestonsburg, KY

The doctor called her room and told her she was much worse and if she did not take Remdesivir she would die.

My healthy 67 year old sister who was full of life, very healthy, walked everyday.

Held Hostage With No Contact

“No one was allowed to see her and we were never called to help her make an informed decision.”

My sister was in great health at the age of 67. She entered the hospital with what they called Covid pneumonia. They immediately recommended Remdesivir and she refused it. The doctor was not happy with that and told her there was no other treatment but it was her decision. They admitted her on 12/22/21. From her medical records we obtained it appears she was given a breathing treatment in the ER and some type of steroid . On the evening of the 23rd with no other treatment from the doctor for the pneumonia her X-rays were repeated. The doctor called her room and told her she was much worse and if she did not take Remdesivir she would die so she gave a verbal agreement. No one was allowed to see her and we were never called to help her make an informed decision.

Withholding Information

After viewing her records it is apparent that her kidneys began to fail very shortly after they started the Remdesivir. There was no intervention once that started to happen. No kidney doctor saw her, no temporary dialysis, nothing! We did not find out until after she passed, but hospital notes state that on the 24th at 5:40 am she had pulled out her iv and was in the hallway with blood all over her clothes with oxygen off. This was never reported to us. They told her husband the blood on her clothes was from changing her iv. They moved her to another room with cameras after that but not icu. They told her husband they moved her to keep a better watch on her never mentioning the incident that happened and after reading her records that was the second time she had gotten out of bed apparently delusional from lack of oxygen. And then the day I will never forget that still haunts me was 12/24. My sister and I did a joint video call and when she answered all we could hear was her crying for help and gasping for air. While I stayed on the phone telling her we were getting her help others were calling the hospital trying to get someone to her. We live 15 minutes from the hospital. It took 11 minutes for us to get someone to her room and we could hear them say you have to get back in bed. We told you if you get up too much your oxygen drops and you're gonna die. They did not realize we could hear them and when they did they clicked her phone off. Of course through all of this they refused to let anyone see her so she was alone with no one to advocate for her.

No Care In Healthcare

“I was told pretty passively that she had coded when she got put on the vent but they resuscitated her.”

We got to the hospital and they advised us they were moving her to ICU and said she needed to be placed on a vent, that it was her only hope never once mentioning her kidneys were starting to fail already. They allowed her husband to go to the ICU and he asked her if she wanted to go on a vent and she nodded yes. When I called the next morning I was told pretty passively that she had coded when she got put on the vent but they resuscitated her and she was doing ok. They did not report that to her husband either, he found out from me. They said that was normal. When I called in the morning I was told her kidney function was worse and of course I ask why, they stated due to her heart stopping but her medical records show it was before that, actually soon after the Remdesivir was started.

We were all very alarmed at that point and started thinking of ways to get her transferred to a different hospital. We know now that by that time it was too late. We also learned too late that they did not do treatments normally done like proning, which I understand is standard. They stated to us they didn’t know how, and after they told us she was not going to make it we told them to stop the Remdesivir immediately, they agreed but her records show they continued until she got the full dose required to meet the Covid protocol. Her record also proves she was deceased at least a day before they took her off the vent and only did so when her husband became angry and insisted.

She Should Still Be Here

To sum it up, my healthy 67 year old sister who was full of life, very healthy, walked everyday and was only on a low dose of thyroid medicine, checked into the hospital with pneumonia and was immediately thrown into the Covid protocol. There was no reason from her initial X-rays if given proper treatment she should have not walked back out of that hospital but because of the protocol and the hospital's insistence she take the Remdesivir and their negligence she is no longer with us on this earth. It is my constant prayer that God brings all those involved beginning with the drug manufacturer to justice. I have all of her medical records to support all I have said. If there is someone taking these cases I’d love to have their Information so I can contact them. Her official DOD is 12/28/21.

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created by Greta Crawford

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