Lancaster. PA
They tied and mitted his hands to the railings of his bed and sedated him deeper with several suppressants claiming he was refusing medical treatment.

He was drugged and moved to the ICU, where against our wishes he was vented.
The ER
“After he felt better and began to trust their care so he allowed them to admit him.”
On November 7, 2021 while my husband Rich and I both had covid we drove to the emergency room at UPMC ( the most highly funded hospital by cares act in Pennsylvania). I did not stay . His his oxygen level was 89 % recorded by Patient First
Upon arrival at the ER he was given oxygen, an IV with sarilumab an arthritic medication (off label use) for inflammation with side effects that could cause respiratory distress. He was put on antacids while eating barely anything for a week , the antacids can cause BP related side effects, and he was given a small dose decadron (steroid) an immunosuppressant, a cough suppressant chloracepal, eventually a Potassium supplement and mucinex. After he felt better and began to trust their care so he allowed them to admit him.
He was given a multitude of tests to diagnose his condition yet the admitted sepsis was ignored and attributed to covid. It was soon found He had a pneumomediastinum (tear between the lining of the lungs) from violent coughing. The drs. encouraged proning which is contradictory with the tear and all medical journals prior to covid instead of advising a sitting upright position to prevent worsening pneumonia.
He was told he may have blood clots or a pulmonary embolism and given a cat scan with iohexol that further aggravated his viral disease then put him on many blood thinners. Each day that passed without proper treatment his D-dimer rose “1497” and his C-reactive protein also rose five times as much which are both indicators of sepsis, severe disease, or bacterial infection. He grew more anxious so they added Ativan and several other anti-anxiety drugs and then sleep agents and pain medications and with each drug his condition grew worse. His Oxygen needs increased and so did his anxiety. It was a vicious cycle, none of which are a treatment for a virus or a bacterial sepsis.
The doctors chanted daily “You are going to need mechanical ventilation” which he refused. When he realized that they weren’t going to treat his virus he tried to leave but couldn’t because of his severe weakness, malnutrition and sedation. They tied and mitted his hands to the railings of his bed and sedated him deeper with several suppressants claiming he was refusing medical treatment.
The night before the ventilator surgery he was beyond making any kind of decisions. The hospital gave my husband over 50 drugs including Haldol, Ativan, Precedex, Morphine, Remeron, and Propofol in the same evening. He was drugged and moved to the ICU, where against our wishes he was vented.
The Ventilator
“I made some calls and found beds on my own and the dr still refused to transfer.”
Two days into ventilation they were weaning the sedatives to take out the ventilator - by removing Precedex, the one drug that was supposed to be used to help wean - they claimed he was too agitated and they couldn’t remove the ventilator. A few days later, he could not be weaned. The fevers started spiking at 103.5 and so did the constant suppositories of Tylenol 1000 mg doses, (that is also contradictory with viral infections). While unconscious arctic vests were also used but still it took days to reduce the fever.
Again no feeding for days just more proning and more drugs now antibiotics and more sedatives and paralytic drugs were added to the menu of poisons. It took about 4 days to lower his temperature this time while his oxygen needs increased, his blood pressure, and respiration so now he needed BP medication, diabetes medication, blood thinners but still no vitamin therapy barely any feedings no ivermectin was allowed.

After 11 days on the ventilator the 27 th of November they put the nasogastric feeding tube into his bronchial tract instead of stomach and I believe hadn’t discovered it until late the next day because I remembered visiting that next day and asking why he had crusted white liquid all around his nasal passages where the tubes entered and was told “We haven’t had time to clean him up yet today” - it was around 5 pm in the afternoon in the ICU. The next day I’m told he had a collapsed lung and needed an emergency shunt surgery performed at bedside in the early morning hours and he was now stable once again…..until the new infections and raging fevers to come.
I asked several times why this happened and mysteriously no one knew. All I heard was “ it must be the infection”. Now we have another bacterial infection, falling respiratory readings, BP and severe oxygen increase. I’m told he needs a PEG put in his throat where he can be fed and have his Oxygen dispensed. I researched this procedure and refused consent. I asked and did not receive a satisfactory answer and could not because they were preparing to cover up their mistakes. I tried to have my husband transferred to another hospital and I was told there were no beds so I made some calls and found beds on my own and the dr still refused to transfer.
Lies And Cover Up
Following the nasogastric tube into the lung he developed a pulmonary embolism, an abscess, right sided heart failure, necrotizing pneumonia and his vitals were uncontrollable. The pulmonologist showed me the scans where the abscess formed and told me Rich may never walk or talk or be himself again. “We just don’t know but he will have the peg surgery and be transferred to a nursing home.” The pulmonologist asked me if I wanted to change the order to DNR. This was the second time and I did. That very evening while they changed lines he passed.
I had no idea about the nasogastric feeding tube incident until I began to read the 2338 page hospital record that I ordered after his passing since I was at home with covid myself during his hospital stay. I also noticed the pages were mixed not in chronological order by date and then would change suddenly to a week or 3 later, and this was throughout the report - back and forth until finally it was categorized by type of report. I think they deliberately tried to make it difficult to understand what happened. I had to read the report 3 times to piece it all together and find out what actually did happen and noticed a summary by the attending Dr. dated after I ordered the records.
The “UPMC hospital drs” starved and tortured, tranquilized and paralyzed and poisoned my husband to death without ever treating the virus or the sepsis he had upon arrival to the ER. They killed my husband through malnutrition, negligence, malpractice and unnecessary and poisonous drug administration which made him defenseless against a virus and bacterial infections that overtook his body.
Choosing Murder to Keep a Job
“Please don’t blame the doctors” she said, “it was the protocol we had to follow or be fired”
I called one ICU nurse after I learned all this from the records. She and I spoke for over 2 hours where she conveyed the stress, misery and malpractice that she witnessed to the point in time where she had decided to change careers. She said she experienced the very same tragedy with her best friend whose father was of the same age in the same hospital as my husband. “Please don’t blame the doctors” she said, “it was the protocol we had to follow or be fired”
I’ve learned through incessant research the pharmaceutical industry paid off our governmental officials in collusion with wealthy investors who would profit from an endless forced vaccine program. We must expose them for justice -They must repent for what they’ve done to those they harmed, tortured and murdered.
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