Leonidas, MI
Gary along with the thousands of others that died at the hands of the hospitals and our government deserve justice.

I will fight until my death for my husband and all the others who were murdered.
The ER
“They did not like that he was not vaccinated.”
Gary's story is like so many others who have suffered this nightmare. However, I feel I need to give a little background on him that will make more sense of his story later. Gary was a disabled veteran. He needed his hearing aids to even allow him to hear a little bit. He struggled with PTSD and was on an anxiety medicine to help him cope. I feel it was not only the hospital that killed my husband but our government that was responsible as well. Their protocol is responsible for thousands of deaths.
For Gary, it started around January 13, 2022. He started feeling tired, nauseous, and his chest hurt some. He could not reach his primary care doctor, so Gary laid in bed with no appetite and was so tired. On Saturday, January 15 I took him to urgent care. He tested positive for Covid and was sent home. They did not like he was not vaccinated. By Sunday morning the 16th his oxygen was in the high 80's so he asked to go to emergency. When we reached the ER after a long wait, he again was barraged for not being vaccinated. (This happened continuously during the month-long ordeal and was mentioned too many times in his medical records.) At the ER his temp was normal and his vitals were good. They gave him oxygen and his blood work came back showing he was very dehydrated. They started fluids and told him they were going to admit him for a few days. We stressed no Remdesivir was to be given to him. We gave a list of his meds and I was told to leave as he would be in the Covid wing and I could not stay. He had got a new phone only 2 days before and did not know how to really use it but I told him to take it so we could at least talk and text.
No Communication
I went home and started feeling pretty bad and Also was suffering from a fractured back. I called my doctor and found out I was Covid positive as well but the difference was that she treated me and I lived. It was horrible fighting it alone as my family lived 6 hours away. We did conference calls with the hospital to check in on him. For the first few days, we communicated as best we could. He was not happy with his care but we thought he was coming home. He talked about it being like a prison and how hard it was for him to understand any of them with all the gear on and his oxygen mask on his face. We forced the hospital to give us a video visit on day 4 as his communication pretty much stopped. He was struggling and we knew something was not right with him. He had a confrontation with one of the nurses and she was awful. All to find out he was taken off cold turkey and his anxiety meds he never got it.
They also took his hearing aids and his phone. He was alone and wanted to go home. They never told him I could not visit and for days he thought I just was not there. So also during this time we didn't know they gave him the Remdesivir knowing his kidney functions were not where they needed to be due to being dehydrated. His blood work showed them improving. They called us multiple times asking if it was ok to dose him with it knowing he got it. He was the one who caught it and asked me the name of the medicine he was not supposed to take. I said Remdesivir. From that point on in the medical records, it was stressed that the patient refused Remdesivir. It untimely led to his death. From what I can tell he had 4 doses.
I Fought For Him
“I had no idea they were trying to kill him.”

On January 20 they called and said they needed permission to intubate him. I asked why they said he was getting worse and he was going to the ICU for more oxygen and help. They wanted me to sign a do not resuscitate order as well. I called hours later to find out that after not even a day in ICU he was moved back to step down. They needed his bed and he was doing better on the BiPAP. At this point, we had no communication and we were solely relying on the hospital to keep us informed.
On January 25 we were called and told he was failing and he needed to go back to ICU and go on the vent. He was on it approx. 23 days. Once he was out they let me visit. We never had communication again. He could not tell me his story. I was the only one who could see him and with my fractured back it made it so hard but I went every day. I fought for him. I had no idea they were trying to kill him. In a small world way, we were hooked up to Joey's angels on Facebook and also with Dr. Bartlet who even tried to help us get Gary a drug to help him. It was just too late. On February 16, at 7:00 am I was called and was told to come to the hospital as quickly as I could. Gary had suffered a heart attack and they were trying to revive him. He passed away at 7:30 am. I found out through a nurse that he was indeed given Remdesivir and they covered it up. He also had so much fentanyl and other drugs in his system that it was no wonder they could not wake him up.
The Most Inhumane Death
“After 8 days when he was in the ICU, they put in a feeding tube.”
When I got his hospital records I was shocked at the amount of drugs in his system. I also found out that he lost over 30 pounds in 8 days while he was on the BiPAP, they were not feeding him. They said when they removed the mask he could not breathe long enough to take in food. After 8 days when he was in the ICU, they put in a feeding tube.
Gary was a strong hardworking man who was never sick. He worked 4 days a week at a job that most young people could not do. At the end of his stay at the hospital, he was on insulin, full dialysis, and was found to have 4 open wounds that we were never told about. One of them was very severe. There is not a human being on this earth that deserves this type of treatment. Gary along with the thousands of others that died at the hands of the hospitals and our government deserve justice. I will fight until my death for my husband and all the others who were murdered.