Homer, Alaska
My wonderful wife of 26 years was taken from my son and me on Feb 25.

I have no words for the loss and emptiness I feel.
She Became Sick

My wonderful wife of 26 years was taken from my son and me on Feb 25. Shirley was the greatest Wife, Mother, and friend to all. She never asked for anything and was always there for others. I have no words for the loss and emptiness I feel. Shirley came down with what we thought was a simple cold and she got worse. We went to SPH where the ER doctor was helpful and caring. They put her on a medivac flight to Regional in Anchorage. The staff there and the doctor said they would look after my wife and would give our son daily updates.
She Was Improving
“We might have to amputate your wife's legs; she is bleeding to death!”

The hospitals were on total lockdown. The doctor would call once a day with a progress report. Shirley had blood clots in her lungs and pneumonia. She was sedated and resting for a few days and at around day four the doctor told our son that she was improving. The blood clots in her lungs along with the pneumonia was going away but there was a blood clot in her leg that they wanted to get out with a catheter. I told them to go ahead with the procedure. I received a frantic call the next morning at 3 am from the head nurse who was hysterical. "Mr.Weber! We might have to amputate your wife's legs. She is bleeding to death!!!!
I Want Answers
“What happened behind those closed doors? ”
I want to know what the hell went wrong! YOU took my beautiful kind loving wife, best friend, and mother from us behind closed doors!!!!! How the F#%K would you like that if someone did that to one of your family members!!!! Then to add insult to injury after she was taken off of life support at our request the nurse had the nerve to say " You will have to have someone come and get her body because we don't have room! I never dreamed in my life that another human being could be so cold and cruel!!!!!! What happened behind those closed doors? My family and I want answers!!!!!
